Multi Band End Fed Antenna, covers 80/40/20/17/15/12/10m bands.
Swr <1:1.5 (no need for an atu).
Efficient 49:1 transformer using genuine FAIR-RITE core with ( Ni/Zn Material )
Power 400w PEP, please note that the power ratings are ICAS 3 minutes RX/TX.
4mm aluminium mounting plate with 48mm clamp ( galvanized)
39m long (approx).
Resonant on 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m,12m and 10m bands (30m with atu).
Full half wave on 80m band.
So239 socket.
Black coated copper wire for stealth installation.
Heavy duty end insulator.
Stainless steel fittings.
Please note that any back orders may take up to 3 days before dispatch.
For card payments add to basket and follow the checkout.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Multi Band End Fed Antenna, covers 80/40/20/17/15/12/10m bands.
Craig Peters –
I purchased one of these approx a month ago (via ebay shop), and before installing it into a permanent location, I wished to trial it on a “field trip”, well I finally got the chance yesterday, unfortunately the band’s weren’t very open on HF, but I still made some quite good contact’s and I found that although I didn’t have the antenna mounted all that high up from the ground ( Vehicle rear —> suitable fixing point) but fitted as a “sloper”, I was still getting perfectly suitable SWR on all the bands (and even quite reasonable on 30m without using an ATU, ??????? “would I recommend” YES DEFFO, infact I’m looking to buy another one soon as Im having too much fun with this one as a field-day / portable, so now I want a second one for the QTH.
Great piece of Kit
Craig (2E0YIT)
Tim (verified owner) –
Bought one of these multi endfed’s a week ago and managed to put it up at weekend. The parts used on the antenna are grade one I couldn’t off sorted better material myself. Well presented and a little info leaflet to help with your mounting (colour and glossy paper) .Little things make the difference between buying again or using another source.Anyway mounted the antenna as a u in shape due to space. Turned the rig on and checked the swr amazing 1.3 on 80m straight through to 10m. No need to even use my internal tuner. Very pleased will buy again, thanks staff great job. Tim
Colin Bainbridge –
Absolutely brilliant end-fed antenna, the build quality is superb and customer service is top notch, Ian is an absolute gentleman to deal with. If you want a very good wire antenna for 40m/80m then this is the one to get.
Mark –
Bought one of these thinking it would fit in the space I had, it wouldnt. Got in touch with Ian ( top man with the advice and speedy replies) asking if it was easy enough to shorten for the 40 20 15 & 10m version, after being told to cut it back so I had about 20m ( plus not forgetting some for the fold over the insulator, then trim it to tune for 40m.) I thought Id play it safe (just in case) and allowed 600mm for the foldback, erected as an inverted L I was rather pleased with no trimming at all, no tuning Ihave 40 20 15 and 10m, and with a little tuning, 30 17 and 12m for free. lost 80m and gained 17m.
Well recommended.
Allen Gower Boocock M7AGB –
Bought one of these thinking “I wonder why these are cheaper than the rest” but went along with it….and WOW I am so glad I did.
When Ian advertises them saying there’s no ATU required he is spot on. It took me all of half an hour to put up and being in council property in a downstairs flat with a communal garden at the back I am really stuck for space, but I managed to get it up in an L shape….I tested each band with the analyzser and not one was above 1:1.3 so fired it up and , well the proof of the pudding is in the eating….you only have to look at my QRZ logbook (M7AGB) to see I’ve had south American countries, north America too in fact all over the place where I hadn’t managed to even hear before on my vertical antenna….I’m just really blown away with it as almost all my radio reports are 5/8 or 5/9 no matter where I qso..I would highly recommend these antennas to anyone as Ian has obviously done his homework……WELL DONE IAN
Mark Banner –
Excellent antenna,I have the 80-10mtr efhw, I have mine in a inverted v type configuration about 45ft in the centre where the maximum radiation occurs.
So easy to install mine is fed about 8ft from the ground straight down to a earth rod,these antennas are half wave just the same has a centre fed antenna but fed at the end.
I have made great contacts into G on 80mts, 40mts absolutely brilliant,USA,Brazil, Australia and Japan even at the low skip cycle we are in at the moment.
All over higher bands have excellent higher gain too.
I never even considered a end fed antenna however after the purchase and set up I wouldn’t go back or change this antenna.
10/10 for me ,Mark 2e1gdm Nottingham, UK.
Peter O’ Connor –
I recieved this antenna today well boxed and secure parcel,the build quality is superb and customer service is top notch, Ian is an absolute gentleman to deal with. If you want a very good wire antenna from 10m/80m then this is the one to get top notch Ian.
I put this to the test today 5/9 signals compared to my old wire antenna and less noise levels i am more than satisfied with this product.
Tibor Fuzik OM2GM –
Package arrived on 21 November 2019, Antenna was undamaged. Installation on 23.11.2019 was provided as a slightly sloping shape from grounded fed point (cca11m steel mast) down to cca 4m. The VNA measurements are showing on all HAM bands SWR 1:<2. on 30m is SWR slightly over 1:3.The test phase and comparison with 9m high white plastic tube installed feed-point 41m Fritzel FD4 is starting now, see some pictures in the gallery. Both of antennas has Ugly balun made from feeder coax.8w/D=0.3m.
Submitted by Admin on the behalf of OM2GM
Mel G0BVS –
Hello UK Antennas, I am very pleased with my antenna, I have not finalized its position as yet, but at the moment it go’s from the house down to the bottom of garden 22mtrs to a old 7mtr fishing pole then across 6.5mtrs to another 7mtr pole and then back to the house through a tree. It works on all bands, 10,15,17,20,40,80. Very pleased, it will get even better when I can clear the trees, hi,hi
Many Thanks Mel G0BVS.
Richard Saxby –
I purchased the 80-10 multiband antenna with mounting plate a few months ago.
It is mounted in Inverted V configuration, with the feed and far end at 2m height & the centre at 10m height supported using a telescopic fibreglass pole. I have the mounting bracket grounded with 2m length of thick solid copper wire and attached to a 1m ground rod into very wet soil.
The SWR is as described by the manufacturer and the antenna performance is excellent on all bands – I use 10 Watts on SSB phone only. And I have managed confirmed QSO’s from southern England into Eastern USA, Eastern Canada, Middle East and all over Europe.
UK Antennas are very helpful and quick with their responses if you have a technical question.
All in all a fantastic antenna from a professional company.
TonyHall (verified owner) –
The 80-10 multiband antenna with mounting plate, just fitted around 3 sides of my garden at a height of 20ft. Very pleased with the performance, my FT-450D shows an swr of 1.2 on all bands apart from 80 where it is 1.8.
Chris Gm4zji –
Received my 80-10m ant today.1st impressions on opening were wow!excellent quality and very well made.Installed box at bottom of my 10m spiderbeam and ran toward house and back to another pole.Signals on 80 are fantastic and I’m very pleased as I’ve not been able to get an aerial up for 80 before.Have already recommended this ant to my friend.Thanks for hassle free purchase and an excellent product.
Andy Jay –
I purchased the 80- 10 version Autumn last year.. Having not been able to get on 80mtrs for some years due to location limitations.. , I was delighted with this antenna once installed. Fed at the shack end at about 35 feet in height and running in a straight line to its termination in a slightly sloping configuration . This antenna does everything that it is claimed to do and more – SWR on all bands is very low…30 Mtrs also via the tuner in the rig… ( IC730 ) works great. I have been licenced since the 80’s and used generally dipoles and Hexbeam etc. I am blown away by this antenna and would highly recommend it to all… EI5JF, Tipperary, Ireland – Also G0JAY …
Andy Bronson –
Hi this antenna is fantastic!!!! Its tuned on all HF bands apart from 160 with NO tuning whatsoever needed!! I put the transformer just above the ground therefore only using 3 meters of coax, ran vertical 20ft then horizontal in a U configuration back to the gutter and finished off with a 21ft sloping wire to head level.First time all bands are at the very most 1.4:1 very very impressed thank you.
Simon – M5TNT (verified owner) –
I just took delivery of the 80-10metre Multi-Band end fed antenna having just moved to a new property with a view to getting back on the air. I was recommended this aerial by a fellow ham, suggesting it worked as well, if not better, than antennas double the price. I was not disappointed! Straight out of the box is a very well engineered aerial made form top quality materials. I configured the end fed as a sloper, with the box on my shack wall sloping to an adjacent 60 foot tree. Connected a short run of cox to the rig and bingo!, straight on the air with no ATU, ground or counter poise. All bands less than 1.5:1 a claim I was initially sceptical of. Great reports on all bands running less than 100 watts. Super inter-G reports on 80 metres and good DX reports from stateside running 80W on 20m.What can I say, a quality product, get one bought!
Michael Wills –
I’ve been using the EFHW 80-10 multi-band antenna from UK Antennas for about 2 weeks now.It was delivered very quickly.Impressed with the build quality,stainless parts and quality cable.I located the feed-point on a 6ft fence post with a heavy gauge earth cable to a local ground rod with the high point about 30ft up in a tree at the bottom of the garden and then back again to the side of the house in a slanted inverted V format. Probably not an ideal installation but with restricted space about the best I could do. Still the antenna works extremely well with low SWR on all the specified bands. I can also use 30M with the built in ATU on the rig. I have had QSO’s into N. & S. America ,Middle east,Africa,Far East ,reception reports from VK plus lots of European contacts,all using only 10Watts output power. The signal reports are noticeably better than my old windom and long wire antennas.Very pleased.Also a great service from this company,highly recommended,thanks.
Colin 2W0UAS (verified owner) –
I have 2 of Ian’s antennas now – first was the 80 -10 multibander, second was a specific one cut for 80m (to a specific frequency I wanted). Both work superbly. Build quality is streets ahead of some others I’ve bought and looks very professional sat up on my masts. The actual wire is grey coated and very stealthy. Great reports from both antennas from around the globe. Both tune up superbly. Would strongly recommend UK Antennas and great service from Ian.
Nubsey –
If you are looking for an antenna to win CQWW then I am afraid that this is not the antenna for you. Go and buy four monoband beams and two foursquares. Also about 3 acres of land. But if you want something a bit cheaper, and is a good general purpose antenna then this is it. When I first put the aerial up, I nearly went and opened the box to see if there was a 60 ohm wire wound resistor sitting there. The swr reading on all bands were excellent. The only band that was poor was 30 metres and even this is usable with the rigs internal atu. What has impressed me is the fact that people come back and say. “Nice signal” even a guy running a pile up. Now I have only had it up for a few days, and most Qso’s are local europeans, but I have managed Brazil on 15 metres , and the band was dead.
So if you are looking for a good workhorse antenna, and do not want to run a kilowatt, then put this one at the top of your shopping list.
You also have the pleasure of dealing with a real gent in Ian.
73 all Nubsey G0VDZ
tony –
I have been using this antenna for a few weeks now , in a word superb, does exactly what is advertised , very low swr on all stated bands . Ive made contacts all over the world on 10 watts , including australia , newzealand and antartica . The unit is fixed in my loft with the wire running outside supported in the middle with a 25 foot pole and sloping down to around 10 foot with the last few meters in a L shape . It really is that good i am considering getting another for field use . TONY M7TON
Rob Weaver (verified owner) –
I purchased this antenna 3 weeks ago
But with work commitments I’ve only had it up 2 weeks first attempt was not good as it blew out of the tree lol.
Secound time round I have the transformer 1 feet off the ground with 35 feet of the antenna vertically up a tree at the bottom of the garden the rest of the antenna is then over the roof of the house to a tree at about 45 feet in total an L shape slight slopper. The swr is fantastic through the whole of the bands 10 mhz have to use the tuner in the radio. But it tunes 5 mhz which is great.
The proformance is outstanding I hear signals now I’ve never heard on 80 meters and getting great reports.
I’m hearing stateside and South America not strong but workable on 20 and 15 meters.
This antenna is a must. And Ian is a true gentleman and always happy to help
Andrew Fraley –
i’ve set the antenna up as an inverted L with the top leg 8m off the ground supported by a DX Commander telescopic pole at one end and a Sotabeams pole at the other. The difference between the original 40m dipole & the EFHW is tremendous! I’ve had to fit an AM Broadcast hi pass filter to get rid of the radio signals from the Clevedon masts and using WSPR to test both aerials, and depending on the time of day, I’ve gone from RX 8 to RX 14 & TX 80 to TX 130 on 40m and from RX 3 & TX 25 to RX 8 & TX 75 on 20m . Now getting heard by East & West Coast USA, South Africa, Brazil & more of East & South coast Australia not a bad investment!
Christer Widell –
Purchased the antenna a few weeks ago, and got it in my home town very fast. I did set it up on a height of about 10 meters for its length to a distant tree in the garden. Tested it with my antenna swr meter and found it to be very good on all advertised bands without trimming. Good reception and transmitting, i am getting better signal reports now even with my QRP power..Now i don’t use the antenna tuner any more which makes band switching very easy.. Good building quality and i just had to screw it on my antenna mast.Thanks for a good product. 73 de Christer SM3EQF
Bob Saunders –
I don’t leave reviews very often but felt I really needed to give Ian credit for the antenna he has produced.
Firstly it arrived within two days ordering via his eBay shop just in time for us to install it on Saturday morning. A very easy antenna to install, we chose and inverted V shape with the centre at 35 feet sloping down to the ends being 5 feet above ground. To cover all potential issues we used a thick ground wire to a 4 foot copper earth stake below the feed point and installed a home made ferrite choke inside the shack.
Swr is exactly where it was stated to be, pretty much perfect on every band. Top end of 80 needs a push of the internal tuner as is to be expected, the rest of the band again perfect. You can also tune 30 and 6 with an internal tuner. A quick test with 400w pep of SSB on each band revealed no RF problems also.
Performance ? Well we are impressed. Signals on 80 are all up from the previous inverted L on rx and tx, 40 performed aswell as the groudplane antenna as far as we can see with the propagation we have maybe over long distance that may change however its doing well, 20 and up the antenna performs great, one call and into US Virgin Islands as the band was closing. The real surprise is how well the antenna radiates on 10mhz with the internal tuner of the radio. 80 meters ft8 we ended up reducing our output to 15 Watts from 35 Watts as the reports we were receiving were all +.
All in all for the price, quality of parts used, ease of installation and the great performance, for a wire antenna I think it’s a package that’s very hard to beat, well done Ian and thanks again.
Bob, M0MJA.
Brian (verified owner) –
Got this antenna about 6 months ago primarily for 40/80 it had been recommended by a friend my property is not very large and the only way I could get it to fit was to follow the boundary of my garden on 3sides my expectations to be honest we’re not great but wow boy I was wrong working al over Europe with great signal reports both ways I run it through a tuner but not really necessary great antenna I highly recommend it.
Ade Manning –
Had it now for many months and I can truly say it works very well, Wanted a quick way to get back to the hobby so I’ve put it in a couple of different configurations but I’ve found in inverted L works the best for me, I have worked the world on all bands on SSB and CW with 100w when the bands were open in poor conditions. Had some cracking signal reports and they can’t believe that I’m using an EFHW! Really pleased with it can’t recommend it enough many thanks getting me back to the hobby.
Dave EI2HPB (verified owner) –
I have the 80-10m version. Like a previous reviewer mentioned squeezing the 40m of wire into a small garden area was a real challenge and it is basically draped around 3 sides of the property boundary at varying heights. My installation wouldn’t win any prizes, however the antenna works brilliantly on both 40 and 80m which are the bands I primarily use it on. Both RX and TX reports are a marked improvement on my previous G7FEK and Doublet low band antennas and I am very pleased with the antenna.
Mike M0AZE (verified owner) –
I must first of all thank Ian for his support while I sorted an issue with my install. The bottom line was my Cobweb antenna was detuning the 80-10 EFHW UNUN, nothing to do with the performance/quality of the EFHW antenna itself. Having relocated the UNUN all is well. The performance of this antenna is excellent and the overall quality is first class, representing great value for money. I have no hesitation in recommending this product and the care/after sales service I’ve received during the weekend. .Buy British – Thank you UK Antennas.
Bob Evans 2E0ARC (verified owner) –
massive thanks to Ian,ive been using a G5RV for the past 12 months with superb results so i then bought the uk antenna for 80mtr to 10mtr,,all i can say is im blow away,the results have been nothing short of superb with the uk antenna receiving 30db stronger signals, it is superb for transmit and receive, first 3 contacts on 20 mtrs were usa canada and the netherlands using only 50watts and ALL 5/9, i can hear stations i cant here on the G5, im that happy and impressed ive just ordered the 40mtr to 10mtr for my other tranceiver, Excellent end fed wire and worth every penny,robustly built also , if you havnt got one then your missing out
Tony Dooner 2M0SNT –
110uh loading coil for 80m Originally I had bought the 40 to 10m efhw. This add on for 80m works perfectly with all the remaining bands just as good as before. A sound upgrade.
Sean. 2E0SCA –
Just got my endfed this weekend very impressive. quality works well.
Martyn-MM0XXW –
Unfortunately I only have the use of a communal garden and needed something multi-band with a hint of stealth about it and the 7-band EFHW fits the bill perfectly!
It’s sited as an inverted-L starting off with a 10m fibreglass pole then dog-legged round a Spruce ending up on another fishing pole at about 6m above ground.
The SWR is no higher than 1.1:7 across all bands, 30m was about 2.0 but flat when tuned via my TS-990S, which is a far cry from my home-made W3DZZ which was very badly damaged during recent storms.
I concur with all comments regarding build quality which you can see as soon as you open the box!
Running through the bands the signals were as good as if not better, on the lower bands, than my Cushcraft R5 so I’m a happy bunny so to speak.
Super product at a very reasonable price, seemples!
M0VKK (verified owner) –
I’m a convert. I was worried about the background noise on an end fed, but after struggling with an OCFD for years and never getting it to work on all bands satisfactorily, I bought this. Firstly despite the non idea layout I have it really does resonate on all bands.Secondly I added a choke about 13 feet down the feeder and the local noise pickup is about the same as the OCFD. Thirdly it works well, running the two side by side its performance is better than the OCFD as it isn’t so fussy about it’s positioning and proximity to building etc. Fourthly – it is very well made indeed. I have it with the balun at 2.4m’high on a shed running to a 6m high pole at 6m away and then horizontal for the remainder to a pole 1m above the roof line. It is worth every penny.
Richard –
I have owned this antenna fora few months now. It would be nice to have it higher but for me that is not possible. However I have to say it is the best multiband antenna I have ever owned and I am extremely pleased with the build quality and performance. Buy it with confidence. There are cheaper ones out there with inferior toroids and steel type wire that is not the best radiator – forget them and get the best.
Stephen murray –
One of the best antennas that I use on a daily basis good swr
Jim Philps –
Does what it says on the tin… and you can’t ask for more than that.
So well constructed from quality parts.
Strung mine up in a dog leg as it came out the box… swr less than 2 across all bands..
So good I bought the smaller 40mt multiband for my dad.
Oh… and Ian ships faster than amazon. Ordered Friday. Delivered Saturday.
Briliant all round service from a UK company.
Taxiarchis Takas SV8SYK –
I just got EFHW 10M-80M here in Hellas after excactly 2weeks from ordering .Anyway, at first I configured the antenna as a sloper configuration with 10m from the ground and an open horizon (I live in the countryside).The problem was that I had mounted it on a metal pole which was not the brightest idea. I had many SWR in 30,20,15,12,10 meters. After I tried to change the pole finally the SWR went down really down.Now I have a flawless antenna with 1:1SWR on 80m ,40m ,30m (which is strange having that much low SWR in a antenna that wasnt really designed for that band). Moreover I got 1:1 SWR on 20m ,17m ,15m. On 12m i got 1.3:1 SWR and on 10m it ranges from 2:1 to 1.2:1.Overall I am very pleased with the antenna and I hope it lasts for a very long time. Thanks Ian
Stephen (verified owner) –
Bought a multi band end-fed and was the best buy ever I now have 3 and all work and swr is good